Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"quality programming,"

says TV GUIDE Magazine,

"is integral for both our own sustainability as a company and the sustainability of television as a medium. In today's ever-present Internet world, assurance of quantity and timeliness mean nothing when abundant content lies a hyperlink away. When customer retention focuses around giving the viewer what they want, what they need, what entices their interest, piques their curiousity, gets them thinking, then TV will secure its place in the entrenched echelons of media history. Radio knows, newspapers are learning - so why are we skipping out on class?"

an astute preface. to skimp out on what makes TV TV does none good. sometimes stories only translate accurately when considered in a particular frame, an established view-point taking full advantage of its medium's domain. quality not only refers to general production value, but also to the inimitable intricacies that embellish an art's impact on the populace. a shot angle loses meaning in translation to written paragraph; a sentence cannot conform to a camera's rigid boundaries. who watches a book? who reads a movie? who else more qualifies art's affect than its audience?

what supersedes the viewership? nothing.

stop at nothing to portray something.

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